Research papers can be written about more than boring scientific topics. If you’re studying the right subject, you may be asked to create a paper about music festivals. Although the topic is rather interesting by itself, you should take all your steps correctly to compose a paper that will be worthy of an excellent grade.
- Narrow down the topic.
You won’t be able to impress your teacher if you select a very broad topic. It’s advisable to pick some large music festival that started small and study the secret of its success. This way, it’ll be interesting both for you to write the text and for your audience to read it.
- Conduct your study.
Look for sources where you can read about the chosen music festival and analyze information that you’ve found. Make notes to highlight evidence that can prove your arguments so that you can make references to your sources in the text of your paper.
- Make an outline.
You should divide your document into several parts. You should have the introduction, body chapters where you describe your actions and results, and conclusion where you summarize your thoughts. With a good outline, it’ll be much easier for you to create a well-structured paper on the first attempt.
- Write your paper.
Experienced academic writers prefer to complete body chapters before creating an introduction. It’s also advisable to make direct references to the introduction in your conclusion. This way, your paper will look complete. Try not to use a lot of narrow terms in your text so that the majority of your readers can clearly understand you.
- Add the list of references.
After the main body is composed, you should create your bibliography. Take all the sources that you used during your research and organize them in alphabetical order.
- Format your paper.
Your teacher is likely to have indicated the exact style that your document should be formatted in. Make sure to follow their guidelines.
- Create your final draft.
You should carefully proofread your text to make sure that it doesn’t contain mistakes that can lower your final score. You may even let someone else edit it for you.
It’s advisable to compose a final title after the body of your paper is completed so that you can use the key terms from your text in the name of your paper. It’s bad when keywords in the title and body don’t match.