Can You Find A Free Plagiarism Checker For Research Papers Online?
With the widespread use of the internet there is a new problem that instructors face when checking student’s work.
Plagiarism has become one of the biggest challenges that the educational world faces and with each essay or piece of writing that a student turns in they must run a check to ensure that none of the work was stolen, copied or used without proper credit.
So, what is a student to do to ensure that their work does not unintentionally ping a plagiarism checker? The internet has again stepped up and developed tools that will scan your work for repeat words and series so that you do not inadvertently fail a check.
Free plagiarism checkers
The first step when looking for an online resource is to do a search through an internet search engine. By entering the words free plagiarism checker in the engines search bar you will be able to find several options.
But how will you know if these site will really be value add?
Verify results
One way to ensure that your plagiarism checker did its job correctly is to utilize multiple different free sites. Each site will run a slightly different search algorithm and have access to a variety of different papers and published materials. By running multiple checks you will ensure that you do not fail the assignment by accidentally plagiarize something published or turned in by someone else.
School resources
Finally, schools understand the stress that students are under and it can be difficult to be entirely original. Many schools have their own plagiarism checking tools that you can leverage. Ask in the department of your school to see if such a tool exists for students to use and if it is available free of charge. Hopefully, schools will have this resource available and many will allow free access with your student identification.
There are a limited amount of combinations of words that can be used on a topic. So, when you take a core class on a particular subject that follows the same curriculum year after year consider finding a free plagiarism checker to ensure you get credit for the work you put in. Without this check you put yourself at risk for failing a check and possibly face disciplinary action and possible expulsion for unintended plagiarism in the work you turn in for your classes.